DIM leng AS LONG, totall AS LONG, need AS LONG, p AS LONG CLS INPUT "name of file to fix"; foo$ OPEN foo$ FOR INPUT AS #1 leng = LOF(1) CLOSE #1 totall = 368640 REM barfs at 18 * 2 * 40 * 256, but the total works... REM microsloth sucks need = totall - leng PRINT foo$; " is "; leng; "chars long" PRINT need; "bytes needed to equal"; totall INPUT "is this correct"; confirm$ IF confirm$ <> "y" THEN END filchar$ = CHR$(229) REM 0xE5 OPEN foo$ FOR APPEND AS #1 FOR p = leng + 1 TO totall PRINT #1, filchar$; NEXT p CLOSE #1 END