Coppermine River Canoe Expedition
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Coppermine River Canoe 1987: The campsite was covered with bear tracks. Shortly after the plane left, a big grizzly wandered into camp. I think he was startled as we were. With 10 of us including Alex who fired a couple of warning shots, he took off and did not return. I barely got the camera out and did not get a good picture. But if you look carefully, you can see that the brown smudge left of center in this photo is a bear.

Date: 2022:12:30 12:53:51     File: wRCW55393_G.jpg
Camera: PENTAX K-5 -- Lens: smc PENTAX-D FA Macro 100mm F2.8 WR at 100.0 mm -- Exposure: 1/15 f/7.1 ISO 800