Coppermine River Canoe Expedition
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Coppermine River Canoe 1987: At one point, we had three boats ahead and two behind. The three stopped at a place where the whole surface of the river was flowing up stream. We saw some pieces of wood float by. There weren't many places that they could have come from. The most disturbing option was from Colin's boat which had its spary cover pulled back at the bow to carry firewood. We had encountered some unexpected white water which did not cause problems for the rest of us, but Colin's boat took on too much water and swamped. Much hard swimming and pulling by Kerry and Alex got them to shore.

Date: 2023:01:01 21:47:50     File: wRCW55565_GR.jpg
Camera: PENTAX K-5 -- Lens: - at 100.0 mm -- Exposure: 1/8 f/8.0 ISO 800