Gila Wilderness Backpack April 2021
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My third camp, which was near the Bloomfield group. Note my 49 year old Kelty frame pack that is still going strong. I bought it in 1972, if I remember correctly, and have used it ever since. See the 1975 Mt Vancouver expedition and the 2003 Sierra Hike slide sets for other trips where I used it. It does have significantly upgraded belt and shoulder straps but the frame and bag are original. FYI it weighs 5 pounds which is in the range of other packs that can handle serious loads. I've carried in the neighborhood of 100 pounds several times on climbing and canoeing trips.

Date: 2021:04:21 18:13:22     File: wSON03498.jpg
Camera: DSC-RX100M7 -- Lens: - at 9.0 mm -- Exposure: 1/60 f/2.8 ISO 100